Rule Change Requests

Today the requests look at alterations to penalty balls. Take a look, remember to follow the instructions on the attached document to ensure your opinions are heard by the committee! Better still, follow BISFed on Facebook and join the…

Rule Change Requests

It's day 4 of the rule change proposals that have been released by the BISFed Rules Committee. The feedback has been filtering in from the boccia community following the first 3 days of the campaign as the rules committee…

Rio Round Up

As the dust settles on a memorable Paralympic Games eyes in the Boccia community are now turning to the 12 scheduled 2017 events. Before we look ahead we want to look back at some numbers from the games:

Rule Change Requests

5 more rule changes have been proposed by various athletes, coaches and officials. We want to hear your input and value the feedback from everyone. Please take look at the attached document and tell us what you think!

Rule Change Requests

Over the next 2 weeks a number of rule changes will be released on the website. Take a look at the first 4 rule change requests that have been submitted. We want to ensure our members have the opportunity to…

Day 7 – Final Results

The games are over and the medals have all been awarded. Many of the athletes will have to wait 4 more years for their chance at Paralympic glory and for many their final opportunity may have slipped by...

Day 6 – Spectacular Semis!!

It was a gripping afternoon in Rio as the semi-finalists competed against each other for a converted spot in the Paralympic final. The afternoon session started with the BC1 and BC3 semi finals.

Day 4 – Highlights from Day 4

After a pulsating 3 days of team and pair competition the individual event is now underway. Athletes will compete in the 4 classes for the right to call themselves the Paralympic champion! The highlights from Day 4...
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