20 new ‘Boccia Ambassadors’ attended a workshop in Dubai on 18 May, where they learned how to play boccia and how to teach others to play the game. Our new Boccia Ambassadors will return to their counties not only excited…
The Making Boccia Accessible project made its way to Bloemfontein, the capital of Free State in South Africa last week. Participants were taught the basics and sent away with equipment to help encourage more people to get involved with…
We've been sent some great photos from Kenya where the Making Boccia Accessible project was introduced back in March. The pictures show the game being introduced to a number of boccia ambassadors who will then take the game into…
Fifteen delegates from seven countries attended the launch of BISFed’s ‘Making Boccia Accessible’ project in Johannesburg, South Africa on 28th March.
The project’s aim is to bring boccia to parts of the world where it is not yet played or is…
BISFed President David Hadfield and Head of Classification Elsa Matthee will be at the Hope School for physically disabled learners in Johannesburg on Saturday 28th March to launch a worldwide initiative to grow and develop boccia.

As part of BISFed’s ‘Making Boccia Accessible’ project, we have entered into an agreement with Handi Life Sports to manufacture and supply sets of ‘BISFed Standard Boccia Balls.’ These high quality boccia balls represent excellent value for money and…
After receiving funding from the AGITOS Foundation and further support from Hogan Lovells and UKSport, the Making Boccia Accessible Project has ensured the project can now be expanded to ensure more sets reach beneficiaries in more countries.