Expression of Interest for 2017 Competitions

In a bid to deal with the growing demand for international Boccia events the BISFed Competition Committee have introduced a far more expansive calendar of events for the next quadrennial. To ensure members are able to attend a fair…

Hong Kong to Host!!

The Hong Kong Paralympic Committee and Sports Association for the Physically Disabled will host the upcoming BISFed 2017 General Assembly on 29th May 2017. The meeting will take place at the conclusion of the BISFed 2017 Asia and Oceania Regional Championships. More…

12th Edition of Competition Rules

The rules committee has been working long and hard sifting through the proposals and responses from our members. We specifically considered FAIRNESS and EQUALITY when making these decisions. After many hours and much debating we have our first draft of…

BISFed World Ranking System – UPDATE

The BISFed Competition Committee presented their proposal for the 2017-2020 Competition System at the BISFed Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) in March 2016, and the new Competition System was approved and published in July 2016 . In the feedback session…

BISFed Board and Committee Meeting

This weekend over 20 delegates from around the world were invited to attend the BISFed board in London. The focus of the meeting was to get the Referees Committee, Rules Committee and Development Committee in the same room to discuss…

Rule Change Requests

The final requests have now been posted on Facebook. We're delighted with the feedback that we have received and want to thank everyone that has taken part. It isn't too late to have your say! We're giving the boccia…
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