Live Streaming from Cali!!!

You can view the action from Cali on their YouTube channel at OR view the scores from all of the games on the 'Latest Results' page!!

BISFed Announces New Committees

BISFed is delighted to announce its new Committee structure. We would like to thank all our Members who nominated individuals to join the new Committees which have been selected to bring a breadth of experience as well as balanced…

Update from BISFed’s Board

The newly-elected BISFed board met by conference call on Thursday 27th July. The Board meets regularly throughout the year and at the most recent meeting it was agreed that it would be helpful to communicate highlights of our discussions…

BISFed 2017 Seville World Open Report

Seville hosted the largest event of the year this week with athletes from around the world coming together to compete in the Spanish city. Athletes from 7 countries took to the podium in the Individual events with Thailand ending…

Remember you can Track Live Results!!

Don't forget that you can follow all of the action from the event in Seville this week. Play starts on Wednesday with the Teams and Pairs events. The live stream link will be announced later today for those that…

BISFed announces Doping Ban

The Boccia International Sports Federation (BISFed) has announced that Russian boccia athlete Dimitri Kozmin has been suspended for one year for an Anti-Doping Rule violation. Kozmin returned an adverse analytical finding for trimetazidene in a urine sample provided on…

Two New Members!

BISFed can now announce two new members. Georgia and Iceland have taken advantage of the new member offer that was introduced in 2015, an offer that has now been taken up by 13 further members. In addition to the…
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