Loss of Cornell Markham

We are sorry to inform of the loss of BISFed International Referee Cornell Markham from the USA. Many of those attending competitions in the Americas will know him. His fellow Referees have said that Cornell was a kind…

Adam Peska wins Best Male Debut athlete

Adam Peska wins Best Male Debut athlete at the 2021 Paralympic Sport Awards. The awards recognises achievements from the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games across seven categories: Best Female, Best Male, Best Female Debut, Best Male Debut, Best Team,…

São Paulo 2021 – Teams & Pairs results

Team & Pairs finals took centre stage on the last day of the São Paulo 2021 World Boccia Americas Regional Championships following the conclusion of the individual competitions. Argentina took the BC3 pairs mixed gender crown in a close…

BISFed 2021 General Assembly

BISFed recently held its 4th General Assembly, with the participation of 69 representatives from 37 BISFed Members. The meeting was held online, and the BISFed President gave a full report on progress during the last two years, highlighting the…

São Paulo 2021 RC – Individual results

Medal day at the São Paulo 2021 World Boccia Americas Regional Championships. Acclaimed athletes aiming for the 2022 World Championships qualification and novice athletes eager to star on their international Boccia journey. “This tournament provided a solid foundation for…

São Paulo RC – Day 2

The semi-finals have already started to appear at the São Paulo 2021 World Boccia Americas Regional Championships. With the exception of the men´s BC2, all classes already have semi-finalists classified. Starting with the women´s BC4 class, nothing new in…

São Paulo RC – Day 1 results

The best positioned athletes in the world ranking did not disappoint and did justice to their favouritism on day one of the São Paulo 2021 World Boccia Americas Regional Championships, in Brazil. In the women's BC1 class, Ailen Flores…

Seville 2021 – Teams & Pairs results

Team & Pairs finals took centre stage on the last day of the Seville 2021 World Boccia Europe Regional Championships following the conclusion of the individual competitions. Greece took the BC3 pairs mixed gender crown in a close game…

Seville 2021 – Individual results

The Individual competitions of the Seville 2021 World Boccia Europe Regional Championships have come to an end, providing the list of the first athletes from Europe qualifying for the Rio de Janeiro 2022 World Boccia Championships in December next…
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