Competition & Ranking Manual

The BISFed Competitions Committee have released a new manual outlining the new competition and ranking processes. This document can be downloaded on the Competitions page.  


Firstly we'd like to apologise for the delay in releasing these final slot allocation notices however you can now view them below. We're still waiting to finalise some key information with HOCs and hope to send entry instructions to…

Notice from the BISFed Rules Committee

Dear BISFed members: We, the BISFed Rules Committee, are very grateful for all your responses in regards to the rules updates. Thank YOU so very much! Your comments help to improve the sport for everyone. Your comments also…

Slot allocations for Ise City released!

The slot allocations for Japan's first BISFed event can now be released. This event will be the first BISFed sanctioned competition of 2018 and is the first to be held in Japan ahead of the 2020 Paralympic Games!

2018 Expression of Interest now closed

All of our members have now submitted their expression of interest forms and the Competition Committee are working hard to allocate slots for the 2018 events. The committee will confirm the slot allocations on week commencing 15th January and…
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